Reflection on the Gospel of the Twenty-First Sunday
Luke 13:22-30 |
Unlike a lot of other passages in the Bible that may require more explanation, this reading is probably the most straightforward and easy to understand. Jesus tells us the path to salvation, the path to the Father and the path to heaven is through his teachings. Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one come to the Father but through me”. Today, he tells us that his way is not easy. It is going to be very difficult. Just like trying to squeeze through a narrow door is hard, so too is trying to follow his teaching. So, how narrow is this door that Jesus is talking about and what does he mean?
In life we are often faced with difficult challenges and we most often taken the easy way out. In our spiritual life too, we face many difficult challenges and we often take the easy way out by giving into temptation. But Jesus tells us to walk through the narrow door for it is better to be broken, bruised, nailed, torn, blinded…than come out with every part of our body intact at the cost of having sinned. Salvation is in fact expensive.