Jesus Walks on the Water
Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Thirty-Second Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 14: 22-33 Today’s passage is followed by feeding 5000 thousands men besides women and children. As per Jesus instructions disciples collected the left over loaves and moved to other side of seashore . Jesus dismissed the crowds and went […]
Jesus Walks on the Water
Reflection on the Gospel of the Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Matthew 14: 22-33 Jesus walks on water… It’s a moment that blockbuster movies are made of with the thrill of adventure is mixed with fear. The Guide in our adventure is basically Jesus. We need to trust in him to get us through the challenges […]
Jesus Walks on the Water
Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Second Week Of Easter John 6: 16-21 This Gospel Passage is after the feeding of the Five Thousand, Jesus has stayed back to pray, and asked His Disciples to carry on and travel to Capernaum, where he was staying and operating His ministry from. And […]
Jesus Walks on the Water
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday Of The Eighteenth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 14:22-36 In Today’s Gospel we see that, Jesus has just fed the 5000, it is late evening, and He asks everyone to proceed to the next stop in the boat. He himself waits back, to be alone so he can […]
Jesus Walks on the Water
Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Second Week Of Easter John 6:16-21 Today’s Gospel passage talks about Jesus walking on the water. After feeding 5000 people on the mountain, Jesus instructed his disciples to reach the other side of the lake i.e. reach out to the gentile people and proclaim the good […]
Jesus Walks on the Water
Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday After Epiphany Mark 6:45-52 Monday began with we reading of the starting of Jesus’s Ministry. Yesterday’s Gospel was of Jesus the Bread come down from Heaven. Today we read of Jesus the Lord of Creation. This is Epiphany Week and we are reflecting on Jesus the One True […]
Jesus Walks on the Water
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Eighteenth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 14:22-36 The background to this event is the Multiplication of the Loaves of Bread and Fish. The day is done, and it is late evening. Jesus has plans to go to another place to preach, teach and manifest God’s […]