Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-Second Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 5: 1-11 Peter addresses Jesus as Master and with great respect allows him into his boat, so that Jesus can preach to the people comfortably. This is probably because Peter had already experienced Jesus’ healing power, as seen in […]

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The First Week Of Advent   Matthew 4: 18-22 Have you dropped your net to answer the Call? When you read the verses it sounds like Jesus is calling them to leave everything and follow Him. But is that what our Lord is really telling them, when […]

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday Of The Twenty-Second Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 5:1-11 “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.”  We work day and night, many a times at work and our experience, efforts, abilities, all are in vain. At […]

Jesus Calls His First Disciples

Reflection on the Gospel of the Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time Luke 5:1-11 The fishermen had laboured all night in vain. Simon was probably tired, disappointed and Jesus entering his boat and giving a professional fisherman instructions about fishing might have been an irritating imposition. Nevertheless, Simon does what Jesus instructed him to do.  Jesus […]

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday Of The First Week In Ordinary Time Mark 1:14-20 Mark was the first to write the Gospel as he saw most persecutions in Rome and wanted to write down the important events of Jesus’ ministry, passion death and resurrection and his is the shortest Gospel. He wrote for […]

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The First Week Of Advent (Feast of the Apostle Andrew) Matthew 4:18-22 “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  And they immediately followed Jesus. The following of James, Peter, James and John is not based on the literal understanding of Jesus’ words, nor […]

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-Second Week In Ordinary Time Luke 5:1-11 Lord your one word is enough… Here we see Jesus proclaiming and teaching the Word. Peter at this moment is not Jesus’ Disciple. Jesus’ effective words are the true miracle, more so than the catch of the fish. This […]