The Rich Young Man
Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday Of The Eight Week In Ordinary Time Mark 10:17-27 Jesus is always saddened to learn that we humans trust everything else in the world like money, people, godmen, employers, parents, teachers, kids, friends and so on than trust our God. In the above passage when Jesus […]
A Tree and Its Fruit
Reflection on the Gospel of the Eight Sunday In Ordinary Time Luke 6:39-45 What is the heart of the matter? because saying the right things and doing the right things with a disconnected heart is clearly superficial. Just as a fruitful tree receives nourishment from good soil, so do fruitful actions result from a good […]
Jesus Blesses Little Children
Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday Of The Seventh Week In Ordinary Time Mark 10:13-16 Most of the teaching of Jesus was in the form of parable. Jesus try to explain kingdom of God through parables like parable of sower, parable of pearls, parables of drawing in the net, parable of yeast, parable of […]
Teaching about Divorce
Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday Of The Seventh Week In Ordinary Time Mark 10:1-12 Wherever Jesus went, crowds followed him – he was that magnet that drew people to himself and in turn to Abba Father. The teachings that he gave was for applying the truth to their life and to live with […]
Temptations to Sin
Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday Of The Seventh Week In Ordinary Time Mark 9:41-50 Respect and reverence in approach towards others and not to envy any good coming from others is a sign of a good Christ disciple. The images used concerning bodily limbs and the harsh treatment especially on leading others astray […]
Another Exorcist
Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday Of The Seventh Week In Ordinary Time Mark 9:38-40 The Apostle John here is showing an exclusive and elitist attitude. Jesus in his mind is only for those who are following Him. Only they, as those empowered by Jesus can work miracles and wonders. All others need to […]
Peter’s Declaration about Jesus
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday Of The Seventh Week In Ordinary Time (Feast: Chair Of St. Peter) Matthew 16:13-19 Just as Jesus inquired of his disciples at Caesarea Philippi, he inquires of us today; “Who do you say I am?” And our answers can be just as varying as they were at that […]
The Healing of a Boy with a Spirit
Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday Of The Seventh Week In Ordinary Time Mark 9:14-29 I see three key words to understand this passage; Belief, Authority and Presence. The background to this passage is that the disciples and Apostles had gone out and proclaimed the Good News. At the same time they had cast […]
Love for Enemies
Reflection on the Gospel of the Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time Luke 6:27-38 Love for Enemies The Mosaic Law followed the principle of ‘an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth’ but Jesus pushes the envelope from legalistic justice towards love and justice with mercy. Jesus knows that all the brokenness, suffering, […]
The Transfiguration
Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday Of The Sixth Week In Ordinary Time Mark 9:2-13 Jesus during his life journey was well trained his disciple and gave them authority to perform wonders among people. Disciples were excellently did their mission. Apart from routine work like preaching, teaching and healing. Jesus wanted them to have […]