Reflection on the Gospel of the Easter SundayOf The Lord’s Resurrection (Easter) |
John 20:1-9 |
It is not the falling down that signifies defeat but not rising after the fall. Victory belongs to the man that rises from the fall, determined for glory. Easter Sunday is a glorious victory that our Lord Jesus Christ won for each and every one of us. He is our hope, the light that will lead us out of our darkness. Without Him we would be lost, confused and hopeless. Mary Magdalene and the disciples experienced that same devastating sense of loss, confusion and hopelessness when they saw an empty tomb, unable to understand the message of Easter.
Hope and victory over sin isn’t to be celebrated just on Easter Sunday. It has to be lived everyday. We may be stumbling in the dark while some of us may be finishing off one battle and getting ready to fight another. No matter how many battles we may have fought and the number that lie ahead of us or how long these battles lasts. Jesus never promised us freedom from suffering but asked us to pick up our crosses and follow Him. We do not get to choose our crosses but we do get to choose how we respond to God – Are we going to cooperate with God and do His Will like Jesus did? or are we going to fight God and do our own will? In our darkest moments we are to seek the light of Christ to give us hope. It is the biggest paradox of being in a relationship with Jesus, the weak, stumbling, troubled heart finds strength, hope, love and peace even in challenging situations.
The message of Easter is Hope, rise up after every fall, make use of every opportunity to nourish your soul with the sacraments and keep trusting in Jesus who has purchased you out of love with His body and blood. One day our mortal bodies will be resurrected by God never to fall again, until then walk the journey with Jesus who is alive and not dead.