Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Second Week Of Advent |
Matthew 11: 16-19 |
Our process of living is governed by what we are taught and shown, even as we are growing from tiny infants to young adolescents. Some say the process starts right at the time of conception, with the emotions, ideas and feelings at the moment of conception playing a dominant role in our lives. There are some things we can control and there are others we are helpless with. Even as we go through our lives, are paths are directed by the way our parents, families, friends and neighbourhood presented to us how life should be lived. Since this is our point of utter comfort and security, what we learn here is the compelling guide which automates the way we live. It may not be the proper thing, nevertheless, this is the way we live.
Jesus came to change this… He is the truth, spoken and lived, that shows us reality for what it is and should be (John 4 – The Samaritan Woman). He brings us hope and seeks to direct our paths to the destination, that really sets us free (God’s Presence), and how to get there, by unravelling and revealing God’s Truth against human and communitarian truth. But to start living according to God’s/Jesus’ Truth, we need to accept Him as Truth. Then the reality of the words of John 3:16 & 36 make sense. When we believe, then we see and understand God’s Truth and because of this we Live God’s Truth. This is the meaning of Baptism – we declare all other Truth as being secondary and not important, and they need to stand the scrutiny by God’s Truth/Word. But in the modern age, where we are so used to making flashy and end statements, we know Baptism is important, but have misplaced its true understanding. And Jesus addresses (John 3) this when he tells Nicodemus that we need to be born again, born in the Truth of God, discarding aside all other truths and be refashioned by God’s Truth. This is truly possible by the Grace and Action of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And this should be the No.1 desire, to/in coming in the presence of Jesus, in prayer or conversation with Him.
In this passage, Jesus is indicting those in position in society, who though knowing the Truth, yet choose to live by the standards of the world and desire the worth and value that goes with what society values, propagates and imbibes. If today you see the truth of God staring at you and challenging you, harden not your hearts and deny God the opportunity to come into your life and lead you to greener pastures. Seek His face and desire God’s Kingdom which is established in eternal Truth…