Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time |
Matthew 14:22-33 |
In the first part of Today’s scripture reading we see, Jesus as always separates himself from the crowds to spend time alone in prayer with his Heavenly Father, by know we know, through spending time in prayer and in dialogue with his Father, Jesus re-gained his exhausted strengthe and as a result could do extra-ordinary things which people called miracles and healings. Jesus expected his Disciples to learn the same, and this comes from him teaching his disciples to call God, ‘Our Father’.
In the Second part we see the disciples, including Peter, travelling in the boat, were they are caught up by strong waves and wind. In this terrifying situation, we see Jesus walking towards them on this stormy sea, again, this is an extra-ordinary event, which highlights the fundamental importance of having a relationship (Prayer) with God . In this disastrous situation Jesus offers His strength, received through prayer, as grace to his disciples. Jesus says, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”
Like Peter, we too people are a people with little faith, and when we get distracted by the challenges around, we forget Jesus, his importance in our life, his identity and his commands for us. But Jesus never deserts his disciples. Like Peter, we too sink in our life, then like Peter we must cry to the Lord, “Lord, save me!” and Jesus is waiting and willing to stretch his Hand towards us.
In this reading we see make note of Jesus’ power over Humanity and Nature, and the Disciple’s adoration and confession of Jesus as The Son of God.
Holy Spirit Help us Grow in Faith, to cling to Jesus and also His Church in all situations of Life.