Reflection on the Gospelof the Eight Sunday In Ordinary Time |
Luke 6:39-45 |
What is the heart of the matter? because saying the right things and doing the right things with a disconnected heart is clearly superficial. Just as a fruitful tree receives nourishment from good soil, so do fruitful actions result from a good spiritually nourished heart. Yes, we are called to bring about the Kingdom of God but that’s not going to happen with us preaching from the pulpit, condemning others and disrespecting them. A teacher can never exhibit any influence on the students if the teacher is a hypocrite and isn’t an inspiring role model.
We are called to be the change that we want to see. We cannot expect others to change when we are stubborn and refuse to see our own faults. Let us ask the Lord to help us attune our hearts toward His words. May the Lord transform our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh.