Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday
Mark 3: 7-12 |
Jesus had just begun his ministry, and He was doing many signs and wonders all around, His proclamation of the Good News was travelling in all four directions
Jesus the word of God healed the Multitude, people proclaimed and shared the word and they came to pay homage to the Lord- Messiah, and were also bringing along others too to be touched, many with evil spirit acknowledged Jesus the word became flesh, crying, ” You are the Son of God”
Today as disciples we need to help bring the Multitude to an awareness of the Word, so that they be touched, be healed, and experience God’s peace. Are we working and carrying out this responsibility assigned to us? Do we manage to bring others to the word? Or are we content with ourselves?
Come Holy Spirit help us to share the word and extend Jesus’ healing experience to the whole world.