Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday
Luke 24: 13-35 |
Even as I heard the Gospel at mass today, what stood out for me is that there is a lot of similarity between today and yesterday’s reading. The similarity is that in both cases, i.e. Mary Magdalene and Cleopas and Companion, both are drowned in their own sorrow or perception of things and are blind to the reality of Jesus in their midst. Earlier this week I was speaking with a friend whose small daughter was running all over trying to find Jesus at Mass, and she could not find Him. My friend explained to her that Jesus was very much there but in the form of the Eucharistic Host and the Eucharistic Wine. Yes this is true, and is the centrality of our Covenantal Faith, but is Jesus only there, is he not next to you and also in you. Does he desire a relationship with us where he is only seated on His throne, the everlasting Lamb, slain for us, and He desires us to come and worship Him there… Does He not wants us with us and around us, helping us live our lives?
The Bible speaks of God in the cool of the evening walking with Adam and Eve, before the Fall. It also tells us of the Last Adam – Jesus, who starts a new Story for humanity (based on His Passion & Death and Resurrection) in the Garden of the Tomb where he was buried. He awakens the bride from her day dreaming (The Tomb here represents the fear of Adam – Death, but Jesus removes it as revealed Himself the Truth to Mary Magdalene -in the Garden) and invites her back to walk with Him, so shown in the Emmaus adventures of Cleopas and Companion. There may be many speculation about who Cleopas’ companion may be, but I am more inclined towards it being his wife Mary, who was at the Cross with Mother Mary. Just as Adam and Eve walked with God at the beginning of time, Jesus now is inviting us, through today’s reading, to walk again with Him And if this is the truth than there is no scope to think Jesus is in a Heaven that is above, far away, and who by special act becomes available to us only in the Eucharist. The Truth is He is here, right next to us, and yes He leads us to the Eucharist to renew our Covenant and Love for Him. But we also need to cast away the veil that blurs our vision and heart from seeing Him next to us; for that is where Heaven is, i.e. where God/Jesus is.
Come Lord Holy Spirit, fill us this day anew with presence, help us see You, Our Lord Jesus and God our Father, as you engage with us in this life here on earth. Help us see.
Another Reflection on Today’s Gospel…
“We had hoped” said the disciples,”How foolish, how slow to believe,” said the risen Lord.
When we say that I hope this works out or my hope in this person or situation, what we are actually saying is that I am hoping for the things to go according to my will and that this person or situation will work in my favour, the way I want. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this attitude is the reason of our disappointment and hopelessness, not God. Like the disciples we also expect God to work in the terms and conditions of this world, where if you are successful you are happy, if you have a popular Facebook profile or YouTube channel then you are likable. But God sees the Heart, because that’s the battle ground, we win or loose based on the choices made in our hearts.
It is no surprise that our hearts burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit each time we read the Word of God. Like the disciples we do not recognize Jesus walking with us in our life’s journey as we are busy finding other solutions to all our problems but are blind to the love and compassion of the Risen Lord who takes personal interest with an individual love for each one of us. He intervenes to shows us the right path to Himself. The question is, are we willing to listen to God’s Word?
Lord we are sorry for all times we have failed to see your hand in our lives, guiding and protecting us. we are sorry for not depending on your Holy Word for wisdom and truth to live a life that pleases you but instead depending on the foolishness of this world that robs our hope and trust. May we with your grace and mercy, always cling to your love through your holy Word, with a heart filled with hope in our resurrection to a new life in you, Amen.