Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday
Matthew 12: 38-42 |
The Sign of Jonah, speaks of Jonah being brought to life by God, not that he was worthy, but he humbled himself, Jesus who is the New Jonah on the other hand is found worthy and given life eternal. But that is not all of the story of Jonah. He went on to preached to a small unknow kingdom call Nineveh (the Assyrians), who he knew would in another 50 years time would enslave Israel. Therefore his reluctance to preach to them. But when he preached to them, they paid heed to his words and repented. On the other hand Jesus preached to the house of God, i.e Israel/Jews, with sign sand wonders, and the question is did they believe? Therefore when these reluctant listeners to Jesus’ words, namely the Pharisees and Teachers (Levites), came asking for a sign, Jesus referred to them to Jonah. Yes they would see the Son of Man resurrected from the dead, yet would they still seek for a sign from God, that is the challenge Jesus threw the way of those who asked for a sign.
What is your own disposition to God? Are there doubts? Have you given God the benefit of your doubts and tried to resolve your doubts with Him. Having doubts is not wrong, but to live with them is because they will lead you astray. On the other hand if you should take your doubts to Jesus, he will give you understanding and clarity.
Come Lord Holy Spirit, be the Master Guide of my life. Lead me towards the Truth and Life. Satisfy me the way only way you can do.