Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday
Matthew 6: 7-15 |
“Pray, then, in this way, Our Father in heaven…”
The Sermon on the Mount, teaches us the new way, the Christian way of living, offer your other cheek, walk the extra mile, if approached to borrow – give. Unfollow the older way of eye for an eye – tooth for an tooth, earn heavenly treasures which will not be consumed by moth or rust, do corporal and merciful acts in secret, do not babel (like putting it on social media) or trumpet about them. Not only love your brother, sister, friends, but also love your enemy, and many other teachings. In todays Gospel Reading Jesus teaches us to pray, simply but in a profound way. He is telling us to approach God with your heart, and speak to Him as you with your earthly parents. Our Heavenly Father knows our requests and desires even before we pray or ask Him anything, therefore He gives us the prayer we know as the Lord’s Prayer. The Our Father is a concrete and straight forward heart talk. Every time we say the Lords Prayer, let us reflect on the words, lines, ideas and thoughts of our Heavenly Father and also our own living. Does our living match or do we still need to work on ourselves, are we ready to surrender to God’s ways and love and forgive ? Or are we stuck in our old ways of trying to control our lives and deciding how things will/should happen to us?
Holy Spirit help us to understand the Churches teachings and to spend time with Our Father and grow in relationships with Him.