Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Nineteenth Week In Ordinary Time
Matthew 18:15-20
This passage has two possible origins…
- The text originates directly from Jesus, but an editor of the text has used language that is post Pentecost; i.e. after the birth of the Church event.
- These are the words of the post Pentecost Church, who through her reflection and communion with Jesus, and through the inspiring influence of the Holy Spirit has set this understanding, of how to deal with wayward individuals.
The understanding we receive from the above understanding is that
- The text looks strongly influenced by Pauline Thought
- Check 1 Corinthians 5, where Paul instructs the Corinthians how to deal and relate with immoral individuals
- The use of the word ‘Church’ is again not a term that came to be used with Pentecost or even immediately after that.
- The words of binding and loosening are also associated with Peter receiving the Leadership of the College of Apostles and the Church
- By effect it is the Church as the Bride and representative of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Acts in his authority
- to build its members
Binding and loosening is to do with the presence of Jesus Christ. His presence releases and brings freedom. It is the opposite when he is not there. We are the Arks of God’s Covenant in the present era. We make available and manifest Jesus, in and around us, where ever we go, Just like Mary brought divine blessing to Elizabeth’s Household.
The thing to ponder in this section is how we deal with those who do things differently and are insensitive to God’s purifying Spirit. Do we reject them? Do we leave them to their own devices? or do we pray for them, like Mary at the wedding feast at Cana?