Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Twenty-Fourth Week In Ordinary Time |
John 3:13-17 (Feast: Exaltation of the Cross) |
“Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” – John 3:17
We say God is love, and yet we see him as everything else but love. What then is love, something that fades over time. Something that is there one moment and gone the next… The description we give God is a human way of trying to make God and who he is, i.e. creating/making God according to our own human image… Even the meaning of love we have changed to suit our own shortcomings and excuses. This is the greatest deception of out times to make and understand things in human ways, and not according to what they are meant to be or what God made them to be…
Verses 16-17 are explosive. They talk of a very powerful love. Love in its true form. A God who waits on his creation. Sees it disown him and cut all connections with him… Picture a father/mother, from who their child is forcible taken away before their eyes, they are promised that they will never see their child’s face again… understand that pain. That is some of what God felt when humanity rejected Him… But he promises humanity that he will always show his love for humanity. And he does. God becomes Man (incarnation), and is born in the humblest of mangers. And if this expression of love is not enough, he suffers and dies for and on behalf of humanity. A death, humanity was destined to experience, God’s judgment is satisfied, when the God-Man Jesus dies on the Cross, and the Avenging Spirit passes over the judgment.
So approach the Cross, touch and put your hands in the blood flowing from it. The Blood of the Lamb. Apply it to your Heart and Life… and whisper, Come Lord Jesus…
One Response
The last 2 sentences touched me. The blood of the Lamb, apply it to your heart and life and whisper Come Lord Jesus