Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday
Matthew 13:36-43 |
Today’s Gospel stands on an eternal truth. God loves everyone; sinner or saint. All are his children and he cannot distance himself from anyone. It is we who distance ourselves from God’s marvellous love.
All things in life are related, especially humanity. The good can be an insipration for the others to take heart and seek to live a holy life. Neither should the Good distance themselves from the bad (though we can distance ourselves from their value system), because no one knows when God will use the bad to bless us and help us in our own task of being salt and light of the world. Judgment is required on deeds not persons, because we are all made in God’s image and likeness, meaning there is no such thing as bad. If none are made bad/evil, it means all have the potential to radiate God’s Holiness, which is stamped in their hearts.
Therefore in understanding today’s Gospel Reading, lets thank and praise God for his wisdom and love. Seek his blessing to see everyone as a brother and sister, and we pray for them.