Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Twenty-Ninth Week In Ordinary Time |
Luke 12:35-38 |
I know from observing my Nephew and Niece, how anxious their parents are when they are out of home late, or are travelling a big distance from home. This anxiety on the part of their parents, makes them be restless for their arrival, and they keep awake, if it is night time. The basic reason for such behaviour on the part of their parents, and parents all over, is because of their love for them… And this is the understanding we should keep at the back of our minds when we read this passage, if we Love the Lord Jesus, we will be ready of him, waiting, not necessary with anxiety, but with the certainty of his arrival. We should then not be found to be like the five foolish virgins, trying to make amends, but being ready and undefiled, we can then join the feast Jesus sets for us.
This feast is the marriage of the Lamb with his bride the Church, symbolised, commemorated, and lived through the Eucharistic Covenantal Celebration. This is the celebration through which we live out our covenanted life in Christ. This is the relationship that cleanses us and cleans the sin from our lives, gives us freedom anew, and brings God back to stay in our human lives. This covenant is marked by marriage symbolisms, where the spouses empty themselves in and for the other. That is what it means when Jesus expresses that, ‘he will gird himself and have them sit at table, and he will come and serve them. – verse 37b‘. Here he is saying that the way of live is wholehearted service.
For those in leadership, the message is that the only true and proper way of administrating is through servant leadership.