Reflection on the Gospel of the Seventh Day (Friday) In The Octave of Christmas |
John 1:1-18 |
We are now in the Octave of Christmas celebrating the gift of grace and truth in the form of Jesus. The law given through Moses was replaced by the incarnation of God in the form a baby, and through his birth we are all sanctified. The narration in today’s passage was also pronounced by Zechariah, when he explained the role of his son John the Baptist and Jesus.
John the evangelist highlights the fact that Jesus preceded the law as he was the Word of God and was with God from the beginning; he is the light and those who believe in him will receive his grace and power to become children of God. We like John the Baptist should proclaim the Word of God and be witnesses to Christ’s commandment of ‘Love’ ..
Despite all the hardships and challenges that 2021 threw at us, on the eve of the new year, we ask God to bless us with his grace and help each one of us to reflect his light and love in every small action and deed.