Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday
Luke 11: 29-32 |
“This generation is an evil generation.”
This Crowd is asking for a sign, and in hindsight, how foolish they are to not recognize the Saviour they have been waiting for. Can you imagine Jesus standing there in front of them whom they have seen do many miracles and teach in a manner no one has ever done but they still were not sure. It’s because they were looking at Jesus as an ordinary leader, and they wanted him to be God and help them to win against other ordinary, mortal and weak enemy, the Romans. Rather they were not understanding that Jesus was God despite of their wishful thinking. Jesus here is upset because they are not bothered about their spiritual salvation and being restored in their relationship with Yahweh and thus as his chosen and favoured. On the contrary they were seeking freedom from physical enemies who could destroy only their bodies. Jesus was going to give His life for the whole of humanity, be it, Jews or Romans. Yet before Him are his people, who do not wish to recognise Him.
Don’t we have something better in Jesus, and yet our generation is still looking for answers to our doubts about Jesus’ divinity? We have Jesus with us in the most tangible manner in the Holy Eucharist, yet we are looking for a saviour fashioned in our understanding of things looking for him in all the wrong places (when he is within and very much near).
Jesus looks at us today and sees our lack of wisdom. We use our Christian status to win the approval of the people in church and community but we don’t actually have the time to be Christians because we have a living relationship with the Christ – whom we profess as Lord and God. We like the crowd see Him but do not believe, because he does not conform to our understanding. We have Jesus who is the answer to everything and yet we are hopelessly and tirelessly searching for answers in jobs, social relationships, society, etc. All that matters is the Lord who is before you and within you. You don’t have to travel a long distance like Queen Sheba, just look within and you will recognize Jesus, your Lord, your Saviour, the answer to all your questions.
Lord give us Your wisdom to recognize You, choose You in all things we do and to live our lives with You. Jesus, we make this prayer in your Holy Name. Amen.