Mark 6:1-6
The rejection of Jesus is the crux of today’s Gospel. Nazareth, a small village in Galilee – the Gentile region of Israel was the place where Jesus grew up. He is a familiar face among his village folk. The ordinary humble humanity and simple family background of Jesus creates a stir among the villagers when Jesus teaches with impressive wisdom. Familiarity breeds contempt is a well-known old adage that is clearly exhibited when the people of Nazareth are unable to accept His prophetic ministry.
Throughout the history of Israel prophets have never had it easy especially among their own people and Jesus faces the same treatment. The lack of faith in Jesus directly affects the work of Jesus.
What strikes us from this narrative is that God doesn’t force himself on the people. The people have free will to choose listening to wonderful wisdom, believe in the mighty divine deeds that’s humanly impossible or choose to be prejudiced and stubborn with ego.
When living the faith, we are often faced with a choice – living the values of the Gospel or Living the values of the World.