Reflection on the Gospel of the MondayIn The Third Week Of Easter |
John 6:22-29 |
Jesus out of compassion had blessed the five loafs of bread and two fish and fed the multitude. Most of the people from the crowd waited at the banks of Tiberias for Jesus who had slipped away from the scene out of fear that the crowds would declare him king. They had seen the disciples take the boat and move to the other side of the river, but Jesus was not with them. (Jesus walking on water is not mentioned by John) So, the next morning they take the boats and go in search of Jesus. Jesus very well knew their hearts that they were following him not just for signs and healings but to be part of the kingdom where they would get their daily bread without working and without putting any efforts just like the Israelites were provided with manna and quail from heaven whilst they were on the move escaping from Egyptian slavery along with their leader Moses in search of the promised land. Hence, Jesus stresses on the eternal food that is the word of God which will give them eternal life. When the people asked him what the criteria is required to do the works of God, Jesus replies they need to do just one “work”, that is to just have faith, believe in the Son whom God the Father had sent.
Did Jesus ask for something so difficult? Is believing or having faith so difficult? Let’s look at ourselves, we too run to God/Jesus when we are in need or to church leaders, retreat centre for prayers. It is not wrong to ask for prayers, but we need know that prayers with faith heals or solves a problem. If there is no faith or doubt in the mind than nothing will move. We need to have the child’s faith who while seated in a flight which is going through turmoil is calm and playing while the other co-passenger’s panic. When asked the child replies saying that she/he knows the flight will land safely as her/his father is the pilot. We should develop this level of relation with Jesus and talk to him on daily basis spending time in silence and listening to his voice. This is possible only when we spend time in reading and studying the bible regularly to know him more while we continue to recite prayers like rosary, novenas. We as humans put in more efforts to earn for our living, and less efforts for gaining eternal life. That is what Jesus is trying to tell the people who come in search of him.
Let us ask Jesus to give us the grace to help us make more efforts to know Jesus in a deeper way and have 100% faith in Jesus and believe that God works for our good in all circumstances. Let’s thank him for being part of our lives and his providence which is more than our need.