Reflection on the Gospel of the Twenty-Seventh Sunday
Matthew 21: 33-43 |
Jesus was on a mission to build the Kingdom of God. A Kingdom here on earth built with our collaboration. He chose a team of not so brilliant or extraordinary disciples. They were ordinary, uneducated men, sinners and outcasts such as the tax collector Matthew who wrote today’s Gospel passage and then there was also Judas who just failed to understand Jesus’ mission.
We too are called to collaborate with God in building his kingdom here on earth. He chose us for this mission inspite of our flaws. We are called to Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything else will be taken care of.. Mat 6:33. So how do we build the Kingdom of God here on earth?
The keystone is Jesus. Jesus is the foundation of this kingdom. Without Jesus we build and labour in vain. We often try and build a life and kingdoms for ourselves. We are mostly the rulers of our Kingdoms and yet we are never satisfied, it doesn’t seem perfect. St Peter says ‘Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.’ Yes we have to make Jesus the foundation of our lives in order to effectively build and contribute to the Kingdom of God.
Making Jesus the foundation of our life doesn’t mean He takes first place in our priority list as a task that gets ticked off when done. Jesus cannot be a task on a list of things to do. Jesus has to be a part of everything we do. Bring him consciously into your life. Make him a part of your decision making, struggles, joys and desires and you will be a living stone building the Kingdom of God without even knowing it.