This episode shows us the calls of Peter and Andrew sons of Jonah, and James and John sons of Zebedee.
The episode shows us that James and John and Peter and Andrew knew each other and stayed in a familiar community, the hardships faced by Simon and his family, and how his mother-in-law lands up in his house. While the closest the Bible gets to Simon Peter’s family is when Jesus heals his mother-in-law, when he visits Simon’s house (Luke 4:38). This is also the premise against it is implied that Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law lived in his house. Nothing else is mentioned in Scripture, and we are left to our imagination regarding when, why and how. And this is where the script writer and director has done very well. Do remember this is only to understand the character of Peter better, and things may not have happened this way. Another marvellous work is in giving a good back story to Matthew the tax collector.
In his despair of not being able to pay taxes Simon Peter encounters Jesus. Jesus gets in Peter’s boat literally and the entire scene plays as it is mentioned in Luke 5:1-11. However in verse 8 Peter says, “Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man!” this brings forward the fact that Peter was a sinful man and probably had vices and bad habits which are not mentioned in the Scriptures. These are interesting speculations about everyday struggles of the common man in Galilee during that time. Interestingly, the parable that Jesus is shown explaining from Peter’s boat, is the parable of the Net from Matthew 13: 47-50.
Coming to the miracle of Peter netting a Miraculous number of Fish, we see that Jesus does not only meets Peter at his spiritual need but also for the physical trouble he is in. The dramatisation of this miracle is again wonderfully done, and if we reflect, it provides us the attitude (like that of Peter), to let down our nets, when Jesus invites us to do so. And expect Jesus to also flood us with hope. Provide us with the Faith to live the Jesus life, here and now. This episode then is the basis of Jesus’ call to Peter, Andrew, James and John and Jesus to follow him and become “fisher of men.” I hear echoes of a similar experience from St Paul in 2 Corinthians 12: 9, when he is told, “God’s grace is sufficient, and His strength is made perfect in weakness.”
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One Response
The reflection is excellent especially the last 12 lines. Keep up the good work.