Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-Seventh Week In Ordinary Time |
Luke 1:26-38 |
With God nothing is impossible.. are you ready to say Yes to the Lord?
Nazareth, the home village of Mary, was not noted for any good, or have any importance reference to it in Israelite history. Mary’s upbringing in such a place was the training ground for her calling. She faced many challenges in her family and communitarian life, yet she persisted in her work and relationship with God. And God showed his favour for her by sending the Angel Gabriel to her. She represents Daniel, for to both a promise was given by the same Angel Gabriel. In between the two appearances of Gabriel, there is no other mention of him. To Daniel, Gabriel came with the news that Judah’s Exile would soon get over and they would return back, but its spiritual exile would last much much longer…
Now Gabriel comes once again… He effectively tells Mary, you have been much favoured and completely filled with grace – because God is with her, in spirit and physically, because she is now going to conceive and bear God in her womb. Because of this, God’s direct engagement with Judah through prophets which had ended (spiritual exile meaning God is not so near to them), is now taken back. Judah’s hope returns, in the form of a babe, that which she Mary would give birth to. Here too it is not easy for Mary, she is entrusted with the biggest responsibility in human history, and with joy, shock, happiness, doubts, she stood firm and said yes to the Call to be mother of God; “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”
Holy Spirit Help me to stand firm in my daily challenges and to say yes to God’s call, just like Mary. Like her prepare me to accept the plans God has set for me and help me respond like Mary, “Behold, I am God’s Beloved; let everything happen according to God’s plans for me.”