Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Thirty-Second Week In Ordinary Time |
Luke 17:1-6 |
In this passage, Jesus’ anger is more towards the person who tempts and compels others to sin than the one who sins. He says it was better for this person to die than leas the little ones to sin. The little ones according to Jesus are the ones who live a righteous life, innocent like little children.
Jesus puts the responsibility of the sinners on the Jews, he tells them if they know of their brother, that he is in sin, it their his duty to correct him and work towards bringing him back to the Lord and when anyone repents of his sins and willing to change, he asks them to forgive not us once or twice but seven times (seven represent infinite times) and not harden their hearts.
Before Jesus’ coming and his teaching ministry, the rule was an eye for an eye, revenge was inevitable, punishment was mandatory. Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness brought in a revolution outlook amongst the Jews. Jesus knew the consequences of sin, and if forgiveness is not there, the gap continues to increase in any relationship, which will eventually get sour and bitter, and and lead to division. Not just this, unforgiveness also separates us from the presence of God and makes us do more wrong and keeps us away from our goal to achieving eternal life. Without having faith, it is difficult to forgive, hence the disciple asks Jesus to help increase his faith and Jesus’ reply presents the power of faith as small as a mustard seed can uproot the huge sycamine tree and plant it to the sea, which in common terms is not only difficult but impossible. In another place he mentions that a little faith can also move mountains.
Jesus’ mission on earth was to bring Salvation to all mankind and no man or woman can enter the Kingdom of Heaven if he/she does not live a righteous life. We are not just called to live a righteous and good life, but also invite everyone to do so by ones own example and generosity. Let us as Christians make all effort not to give in to temptations and pray to our Lord to help us inspire our brethren to God, rather than confuse and misguide them.
One Response
Very well explained!