John 12:1-11
- Jesus came to Bethany, The door of Martha, Mary, Lazarus was always open to Jesus.
- Do we welcome, Do we serve , Do we dine with the Lord?
- Do we make arrangements for his stay?
- When we do this, our House will be filled with Lords fragrance.
- People in and around will be astonished and in perplex will comment and give all sort of advise, be wise, keep your cool.
- Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard.
- We need to be generous and open in attitude and approach towards the Lord,
- we need to give back to the Lord and give in abundance.
- We need to think of the poor, give to the poor,
- Do we think of the Lord ?
- Do we give to the Lord ?
- Let the Thief Inside us die, Let the Real Me inside of us, rise.
- Let us be prepared for the passion, let us be prepared for the Death, Let us prepare for the Passover.
- Am I a disciple who follow Jesus,
- Who proclaims Jesus,
- Who is a witness to Jesus
- OR am I someone who betrays Jesus?
- The Crowd came to see Jesus and Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.
- Let Jesus’ glory be seen in us,
- Let us be witness to the Lord.
- Let us Prayer to the Holy Spirit to give us the grace to Welcome Jesus in our Heart and to be witness to Him