John 14:1-6
“I am the Way, The Truth and the Life”. What an astounding statement from our Lord! In the background of preparing his apostles for his imminent departure, Jesus like a loving friend and brother is trying to calm their troubled nerves. The apostles are clueless and numb with Jesus’ repeated predictions of his death. But Jesus assures them of his glorious return and a place with him in heaven. He presents himself as the Way which leads to the Father, the Truth i.e revelation of the Father and the Life i.e the manifestation of the Father’s life.
It is so difficult to let go of someone you love so deeply, but memories of them, the things they said, events etc are cherished and they sustain us, and we continue with the hope that we will again be re-united in heaven. Jesus reveals more and more of himself to us as we follow his path in this Life Journey to eternal bliss with him in heaven. We continue to strive and pray for God’s grace to sustain us.