Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday
Luke 10: 21-24 |
Have you ever felt not qualified or learned enough to understand the Word of God or the various teachings by the Teaching Office (Magisterium) of the Church. If yes then let us not be discouraged, but instead rejoice because in today’s Gospel Jesus declares that being qualified and learned counts for nothing.
But it’s when we become like ‘little children’, dependent and humble, then we like the disciples will understand the Spirit of Truth and be able act on it.
One such truth here that Jesus’ is trying to reveal is the relationship between the Father and the Son. An understanding of this insight for us, like the disciples, will lead to a special and an ongoing relationship with Jesus, which is the core of our faith.
Today, we too are fortunate to experience the Lord in and through the Word of God, the Sacraments and the teachings of the Magisterium, and when we become like ‘little children’, in receiving these, that is when we encounter Jesus in person.