To Read Click Mark 1:21-28
- This story talks of Jesus teaching with Authority.
- What do we understand by this, what is this Authority?
- Yes he definitely had authority because Jesus like his forefather David was divinely commissioned.
- But the authority that Mark is referring to
- Is the joy, conviction and realisation that comes
- When you hear something
- And know in your innermost being, that it is the truth.
- You are Convicted of the Truth and Reality of those words.
- But Mark is also telling us of the Yoke of Christ
- A yoke difficult
- But a yoke joyful
- To live and carry along with ourselves
- Even as we live the Christian life
- Hebrews 4: 12
- the word of God is
- living and active,
- sharper than any two-edged sword,
- piercing until it divides soul from spirit,
- joints from marrow;
- it is able to judge
- the thoughts
- and intentions
- of the heart.
- the word of God is
- This was the experience of those you heard Jesus
- They understood what he was teaching
- His teachings were different from what the local authorities taught
- But there was deep sensible meaning
- He was explaining God’s Heart and what God wanted from them
- Not rituals – but a relationship
- It made sense
- He was demanding much from them
- But there was readiness born in their hearts
- They desired just this sought of living
- There was Joy.
- And they could sense God was in their midst…
- Because when God is in our midst
- Everything in opposition can not remain in the same space…
- Hence the evil spirit vocalises and acknowledges God’s Presence
- But also knows he cannot remain there.
- They understood what he was teaching
- Let’s Commit to God’s Word
- So that even in Christ growing in us
- Everything around us get sanctified.