Reflection on the Gospel of the FridayIn The Second Week Of Easter |
John 6:1-15 |
Jesus attracted the people like a magnet with his teachings, a whole new perspective on God – from someone far away just giving instructions or commands to one who is a loving and caring father to each one.
His teachings made crowds follow him, absorbed, thirsting for more of the Word of God. In this account of John’s gospel, Jesus takes the initiative to feed the crowds out of compassion, as it was a long journey. Jesus blesses the five loves and two fish and after giving thanks distributed it to all. This was also an important sign for the people to confirm their beliefs. They saw Jesus as the end – time prophet whom God had sent. They saw him to be the new Moses who fed the people with manna in the desert.
They then rush to crown him King – ‘a political king’! Jesus withdraws immediately and moves away as he does not desire royal power or worldly glory.
We reflect on this passage and identify ourselves with the crowd – what do we seek from our Lord?
A miracle, the Word of God to apply to our lives, a quick answer to our anxieties and problems, satisfaction of our physical hunger?