Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday
Matthew 7: 7-12 |
In everything do to others as you would have them do to you, in this Golden rule, the whole Law and Prophets are summarised. Jesus taught and explained the line of action to obey the law and follow the teachings of the Prophets. By adhering to this Golden Rule, the first part of the scripture reading, Ask, Search, Knock is repeated to explain with examples and comparisons to show the loving and merciful heavenly Father. In general the earthly father, parents give their children without they asking them, things like best Education, best food, clothing etc. Similarly, our Heavenly Father is provides us many things, without we asking for him. These things we fail to see or cannot measure. Imagine if we ask and persist in prayer, how much more will he give us. The point here is that we need to ask, pray. With this process of praying, the many questions unanswered, that we have in our lives, Jesus invites us to seek the kingdom, knock at the door for every question and doubt we have. And then alone we will be able to see the merciful and loving Father providing answers for these questions and clearing our doubts.
Holy Spirit help me to surrender and pray pray without ceasing for your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
One Response
A good reflection.