Reflection on the Gospel of the Eleven Sunday In Ordinary Time |
Matthew 9: 36-10:8 |
The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. When I read this verse of sacred scripture I ask myself, have I contributed to the harvest in any way? Have I laboured in the Lord’s vineyard?
I find myself enthusiastic when the work is easy or comfortable but difficult when faced with challenges. The toil and sweat is necessary for a fruitful harvest but often I find myself questioning why the Lord gives me so much toil when others don’t. But I guess that why he has called me, to toil in his vineyard because the other labourers are missing. It is a privilege to have a vocation but often I find myself wanting to take it easy. Carrying the cross is the toil that I would easily give up.
May be it’s time to get toughened yet remain humble, to die to ones comfort and yet be satisfied. A vocation is a calling from God. It’s not a profession that earns you status depending upon your designation.
We are all called differently in our vocations to contribute to the harvest work. How am I going to respond to this call? Have I prepared myself enough to work in my vocation? Am I following God’s Will in my vocation or made my vocation a profession with my Will my plans? Is the Spirit alive in me to inspire me?