Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Eighteenth Week In Ordinary Time
Mark 9:2-10
Another revelation of the divine nature of our Lord to his disciples. They had already witnessed his baptism and the declaration by the Father. Here again in this very supernatural experience they witness the declaration from the Father “ This is my beloved Son; listen to him”. The presence of Moses (the law giver) and Elijah (great prophet of Yahweh) is significant to establish their approval. This manifestation of Jesus’ glory in the transfiguration is to confirm to the disciples that Jesus is the ‘Messiah’ and they should listen to him.
The transfiguration event points to a new covenant in the presence of Moses and Elijah, but not a new set of rules, rather the revelation of the identity of the Son and an exhortation to obey him!
In verse 8 (And suddenly looking around they no longer saw any one with them but Jesus only), Mark rightly highlights that Jesus is the new mediator of the revelation and it does not require the presence of anyone else. We are privileged to have the presence of our Lord with us, we only need to listen to him.
Do we acknowledge the presence of our Lord in our lives and pledge to listen to him?
One Response
An excellent presentation.All who read it will benefit spiritually.