To Read Click Mark 7:1-13
- God is Good
- and he advocates, good peaceful and loving relationships
- with himself and those around us
- He desires nothing beyond this.
- The centrality of faith was what the Pharisees and Scribes had forgotten.
- What they were inquiring of Jesus, was correct and good
- But this good was for itself, without understanding how it benefitted them.
- Jesus is not addressing this issue here.
- He draws their attention to their own blind way of relating to the Law.
- The Law explicitly said, Honour Your Father and Mother
- Yet they had the gumption to try to get around it.
- By this they were showing where their treasure was.
- In God and his commandments or in earthly wealth, power and control
- What draws us closer to God is not really our ritualistic actions
- But our strong desire to be in a relationship with God.
- For If God is our Treasure
- We will do all efforts to buy this Pearl of Great Price