Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday Of The Fifth Week In Ordinary Time |
Mark 7:24-30 |
Todays scripture readings place-setting and Jesus’ encounter with the Syrophoenician Woman teaches us a very important lesson for our living and our approach towards others. May it be Jesus approach towards the Syrophoenician woman or vice-versa the woman’s persistence towards Jesus. The woman’s fearless response with Humility and wisdom gained her daughters serenity and life. Jesus is always ready to work wonders and miracles in our life when we collaborate and take the first imitative with him. The setting also provokes us to think who is our neighbour, our imitate family of any cast or religion or only our Christian brother who may be miles away. Also the good news offer is first for the Chosen but what is our initiative level ? The others are thirsty and hungry even for the crumbs fallen from the masters table. Holy Spirit help me to be perseverance in my prayer and to be attune to your word.