Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday
Mark 12: 18-27 |
God of the living!
What a powerful message we have in today’s gospel. Our God is the God of the living and not of the dead. The topic of our reflection in today’s gospel is resurrection.
Dear family in Christ, Gospel created this world for us. Yet our lives are not limited to this world. This world is material, and everything in it comes with an expiration date. We on the other hand are made in the image and likeness of God with His spirit with in us. So it is very simple and obvious that we will live for ever just the way our Creator and Father willed for us. Jesus pointed to the Sadducees that their knowledge of scripture and God was wrong. If they had only approached scripture as children of the living God, as clearly stated by God at the burning bush, then they wouldn’t have any questions for Jesus. Are we any different from them today?
If you want to buy something precious that you can’t afford, you start saving money for the same. If you plan to go for a holiday in a cold country you pack warm clothes. My brothers and sisters, if we are so good at planning our future then why are we not packing for eternity. Our God is the God of living. We are going to live for eternity, period. But is it going to be either God in heaven or live without Him (this itself being hell), depends upon how you pack your bag, if at all. Since eternity is not a material world, your VIP and Godrej suitcases won’t be of any use. Pack you bags with good deeds as suggested by Jesus in the beatitudes. Live a life that imitates Jesus who is the way, the truth and our life. Die joyfully to self, so that you may live with God in heaven. Be the people of the Resurrection (that means you have already begun the journey). Do not of the people of the dead (means you do not accept Jesus and therefore his gift of eternity). As Christians, you no more belong to yourself, but to Christ who suffered, died and was raised for you and me, so that we have life eternal.
Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, help us not to be blind and dead like the Sadducees, but alive and active like your holy word teaches us to be, ready to die (since we live in eternity, death is only a stopover in our journey) joyfully, and live joyfully sharing the gift of life/joy/love you implant in us. Amen.
Another Reflection
Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?
Do we know God? We may be Catholics/Christians, but do we know God? Who he is?
We probably are in the same boat as the Pharisees here, they were living the great traditions of their ancestors, but were they traditions born from knowing God, I don’t think so. In their own wilfulness they had gone and christened the desires of their own hearts as coming from God. And as time passed they called them their religion. There can be no religion, in Christianity, there can only be a relationship. A relationship that grows and influences us and influences God. And even as we live this relationship, the difficulty of living the days problems and difficulties ease out, because our partner, God helps us look at things and do things in a way we may not understand, but in being in relationship with Him, we know things are right, because, our past experience of this relationship has shown us that.
I invite you to trust Him, as I myself consecrate myself to trusting Him more. Come Holy Spirit, lead me, guide me, satisfy me.