Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday
Matthew 13: 10-17 |
…many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see…
The Disciples had accepted and were experiencing the life in abundance offered by Jesus, they were conscious and obedient to the Lord’s instructions and as a result they received more and more blessings. The Lord has set forth before us this example of his disciples, they saw, they understood, but on the other hand, the Crowd at large failed to understand and acknowledge Jesus, hence they lost the privilege of walking and living with the Lord as His visitation. This is a privilege many prophets and righteous people longed for. Today the Lord has blessed us with the same gift of Walking with Him, we need only believe, and He makes Himself available to us. But the way we believe is important. Some believe He is real but up in the sky. Some believe He is here and now. Some Believe He is here but we shall not see Him. Some believe He is only in our hearts. Some believe and acknowledge His presence in the Eucharistic Host. Some believe we can walk with Him now and see Him, as once Adam and Eve did. These are all different levels of belief. Even as we mature and learn more of Him, we believe more. But are we relishing this gift of His Presence? or are we deaf, dumb and blind? We are blessed to be with Jesus, for many greatly have desired, but could not meet Him. Like Jesus’ disciples we have been given to know the secret of the kingdom of Heaven, the disciples proclaimed to the world his gift of His Presence, are we ready to proclaim our own relationship with Jesus even as He blesses us?
Holy Spirit help us to grow in your kingdom, help us to seeing and perceive, hear and listen and dwell in your presence/kingdom.