Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Ninth Week Of Ordinary Time |
Mark 12: 1-12 |
Seeing that many Pharisees had come to Jesus, not to listen and contemplate on what Jesus is teaching but to condemn him. These Pharisees were the ones who had read the scriptures, knew every word on the tip of their lips but their hearts were hardened, and they followed all rituals perfectly but were not open to the teachings and to the fact that Jesus was the Messiah whom they have been waiting for ages.
If Jesus had spoken to them directly, they would have arrested Jesus that very moment and the time had not come for Jesus to be taken into custody as he had to complete his teachings and ministry on earth as per the plan. Hence, he narrates the above story which portrays that the servants who went to collect the part of fruit from the vineyard were the Prophets sent by God to teach the people on the earth to understand the right way of living and stop sinning and living unrighteous lives. From Noah to Abraham to Moses followed by the Kings and the Judges were all chosen ones who were prepared and sent to the people but all was in vain. Only a very few were obedient though.
God wants to change the lives of his chosen ones so that all can enjoy eternal life with him in heaven. He loves us so much that he finally decides to send his only son Jesus, as the last resort. And the people again wanted to trap him too and kill him. But like the Pharisees we too do not obey God and do not give heed to the teaching of Jesus. If we want to be united with God the Father, Jesus our Saviour and Holy Spirit our redeemer, we have to make a choice today and now.
Let us make a decision to read the bible daily and reflect on the teachings of Jesus and understand that Jesus is the fulfilment of the promises made during the Old Testament times and he came to us to give us life and life in abundance.