Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Fourth Week In Ordinary Time |
Luke 8:4-15 |
The two important elements of this parable are the seed and the soil…
The seed is comparable to God’s Word, and the Soil is humanity…
God’s Word is sharper than any two edged sword, always achieving its target.
The four soils are not four types of people who respond to God’s word in four different ways… It is the one person, who having encountered the Word of God, is prepared by the word of God, slowly and steadily, to bear good and proper fruit.
God’s word, never fails, and so we see the word journeying with the person, first where he is indifferent to God. Then the rocky-shallow attitude the person develops to God. Thirdly when he opens himself to God, but there are other things/gods in competition to Jesus. Finally when God’s Word has fully transformed the person. Then the person bears good fruit, lasting fruit, 100 times over.