Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday
Mark 16: 15-18 |
“Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to the whole world”. Though we are not worthy, but through His grace we are privileged to be baptised/brought back into His Household, white as snow. Through baptism we share in the sonship of Jesus and are reunited to God our Father and Creator. We LITERALLY have the power to cast out demons, speak in tongues, pick up snakes, drink poison and not be harmed and we have the power to heal people by laying our hands on them.
Yet many a times, we are those among the crowd that live in fear of the demons of failure, rejection and poor self image? We have our voices but our we not tongue-tied to proclaim the Word of God, because of what people will think of us and to fit into a society that lives not according to the the wisdom of Christ, but according to the demands and the hunger of this world? We have dominion over all the creatures yet we are living like one who is caged by desire and ambition, instead of placing our trust in Jesus to live a good , faith and joyous life. We have the gift of healing but we are too busy to notice the spiritual sickness and infirmities around us.
Dear family in Christ, let us recommit our lives today to Jesus and to proclaiming His Word to this world that stands in need for liberation from sin and sickness. Let us not be discouraged by our short comings or failures as this is what the devil wants us to believe about ourselves and be away from our true identities as Baptised children of God. We may fall and fail in our journey but let us through repentance and obedience come back to Jesus and abide in His Word, boldly testifying to Gods love and mercy.
Today we celebrity the Conversion of St. Paul. He had many faults and came to recognise them. Yet he also realised the value of the fact that God revealed His self to him. Meaning God loved him more then his faults. So he came to appreciate his faults, because they kept him humble before his Maker. This is what we need to make our own also, alongside Paul, in making Jesus Lord and Master of our Life.
Lord help us to take your mercy and healing through Your Holy Word which you have commanded us to proclaim to this world that is damaged with pride and wounded by sin. Help us to live our lives in accordance to your Word so that we can Preach your Word through not only the testimony of out mouth but the choice of our actions.