Reflection on the Gospel of the Third Day (Tuesday)
John 20: 2-8 |
Today we celebrate the feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, also known as the beloved disciple of Jesus. Wow, Jesus had a favourite disciple! Who among us wants to be known as the beloved disciple of Jesus? If we were in a classroom then all hands would automatically be raised as there is no one among us who doesn’t want to be in the inner circle of Jesus.
It’s the season of Christmas and for us the people of God, the good news is that we are already the beloved of Christ our Saviour. We are loved by God with an unconditional individual love. But the question is that, are you behaving and responding to the situation like John did?
“JOHN SAW AND BELEIVED”. We are always met with situations that we are surrounded with that leaves us troubled and with many questions. Like in the case of the Disciples on Easter Morning, the Tomb door open, the linen covering the body of Jesus lying around, but no Jesus. Such situation do not help us deduct the purpose or effect of the situation. Then why was it simple for John the beloved to simply see and believe? The answer is even more simpler, we are simply over thinking, over reasoning, over educated and over self-righteousness, and these do not help. John was in a loving relationship with Jesus and the fruit of this relationship was the faith that his Master will not leave Him alone no matter what. He knew he could rely on every word Jesus spoke because he Knew Jesus at a personal level and therefore knew also what Jesus could do, and who Jesus Is.
WE celebrate Christmas the birth of Jesus because HE was BORN to DIE for us so that with Him we will also RISE to eternal life and love. This day on the feast of St. John can we say that our relationship with Jesus is so strong that we have died to ourselves and will continue doing so choosing Christ daily and believing in Him, waiting patiently for our reward – To see Him with our own Eyes and be in God’s Presence. If we have a relationship with Jesus then we grow in faith. If we grow in faith then we believe everything is perfect in our lives as Jesus is in control. If Jesus is in control than what we declare in faith that He is the reality of our life.
Lord, Thank you for loving us. Today I see and You I believe in.
St. John intercede for us to love God above ourselves so that we may live a life of as Jesus’ beloved disciple, pointing others to Christ. Amen