Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Thirty-First Week In Ordinary Time |
Luke 14:25-33 |
The words that we read in this Gospel passage draw us a picture, of Jesus being a hard task Master. But that would go against his heavenly Origins. We say that Jesus is the Son of God, and thus God from God. So if we say God is Love, Patience, Kindness, Steadfast, how can Jesus be so negative as to demand that we give up positive relationships and our very own identity…
The answer to this is that he is the bridegroom, the lover of my soul, and he will not rest until he has poured himself totally in me. For this he requires me to empty myself of everything, for these things or relationships may be present in my life not the way they aught to be, i.e. enabling us to be better and closer to God. So Jesus requires us to give up everything, that he may take these and polish them and set the correct relationship between us and them, and then possibly he will return them.
So the cost of discipleship though looking ugly and costly, is like the man who found hidden treasure on a plot of land, and he sold everything to buy that Land. So if you reflect on these actions you see the situation is win-win and not treacherous. At such times we need to pray to Jesus and the Holy Spirit for our own selves, asking that we be affirmed in our actions and strengthened in our resolve to follow Jesus where ever he leads us.