To Read Click Mk 1:14-20
- This Gospel reading is a continuation of Last Sunday’s theme
- But there is a difference
- Here John the Baptist is already arrested
- And more importantly, what Mark is saying is that, Jesus starts his ministry after John’s arrest.
- It is not Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus, but Jesus sought Andrew, Peter, James and John himself.
- This does not mean there is something wrong with both the Gospels talking in opposite directions.
- Here Mark is trying to tell a very different Theological and Spiritual Truth.
- It is God who searches and orchestrates everything.
- And in accordance with that, all these four came to be the disciples of Jesus.
- But there is another Insight he wishes to highlight.
- He will be using the theme of Jesus as wisdom a little later in his Gospel.
- Here Mark is drawing attention to Wisdom, more precisely Lady Wisdom.
- The Book of Wisdom shows that Lady Wisdom out in the streets gathering Disciples.
- What Mark has shown us is Jesus the Wisdom of God is not laid back.
- He is out in the streets gathering Disciples.
- And the message of Jesus the Wisdom of God is the same as John the Baptist’s.
- Yet it is different.
- John the Baptist said the Kingdom is about to come,
- So, prepare yourself.
- Prepare your hearts.
- That you may be found worthy to enter the Kingdom of God
- Jesus’ Message is
- The Time of Kairos (grace) has already begun.
- The Kingdom of God is getting established…
- e. in the person of Jesus, his vocation and ministry
- come and see (like Jesus told the first disciples in last Sunday’s Gospel)
- and then repent and believe.