Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday
Mark 1: 7-11 |
John the Baptist was going about his task preparing the people, asking them to repent and baptising them in the Jordan. Mark points out that Jesus also joins them, indicating Jesus’ stand to stand with the people and to reveal the identity of Jesus for whom they were preparing, the one who will baptise them with the spirit.
The symbolism of the opening up of the heavens and the descent of the Spirit in the form of a dove indicates the presence of the spirit at this important event in the life of Jesus. At his baptism, his loving father bestows on him the gift of the Holy Spirit and Jesus will now carry on his ministry under the guidance of the Spirit.
The divine affirmation of the Father that Jesus is his beloved son conveys his delight in Jesus’ mission. This divine communication is a combination of Psalm 2:7 and Is 42:1; it points to Jesus’ divine sonship and his destiny as a suffering servant.
Our baptism is also a very significant milestone in our lives. Through our baptism, we are immersed into the mission of Christ and we are also given the gift of the Spirit. We share both in the destiny and privilege of Christ with the goal of accomplishing God’s plan. Do we recognise this very important characteristic of our faith? Are we ready to take up God’s mission in our lives?