Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday
Luke 17: 7-10 |
In today’s gospel reading Jesus is using an example that we see around to communicate to his disciples then and to us today that His way of leading is totally different compared to the leadership of the world. Worldly leaders can and use their influence unjustly and feel entitled to rewards and privileges simply because of their position. But, the way of Jesus suggests that serving others is a privilege in itself and no reward is necessary.
In Jesus’ time, a servant did not have any significant rights. A servant had to do what pleased his or her master regardless of thanks or praise. A servant had no right to expect approval or any form of thanks. When a servant worked hard and completed a long list of demands, there was no expectation of praise; because a servant was exclusively owned by the master, so it was considered that the servant only did what was expected.
But, for us who believe Jesus to be our Lord, Master, and Saviour, that very Jesus calls us to follow and serve him. The biggest difference in being the servant of anyone or anything in this world and that of Jesus is the incredible blessing received is that He welcomes us as a sister or brother and friend and, at the end of our journey on earth, He tells us “Come…, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.”
So let’s ask ourselves thought proving questions when we read today’s gospel and reflect on the teaching. How do I find it? Will it bring a change within me or do I find it hard to apply? When I am serving others do I seek rewards? Let’s ask Jesus to teach us how to serve and if we are already serving then how to serve Him better.