Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday After Epiphany |
Mark 6:45-52 |
Monday began with we reading of the starting of Jesus’s Ministry. Yesterday’s Gospel was of Jesus the Bread come down from Heaven. Today we read of Jesus the Lord of Creation. This is Epiphany Week and we are reflecting on Jesus the One True God Come to save His People, and now is helping them know/discover who He truly is.
In Bible Times, people associated water bodies with the abode/home of evil, and here we have Jesus walking on water. He is telling his onlookers, he is the Lord and vanquisher of all evil, the Lord of Creation. The Disciples in the boat were scared, this was new to them, they had not seen something like this before. We on the other hand have heard and read about him all our life. What then is our reaction and action be before Him? Is he our Lord and God or do we want to wait and see, like the Pharisees, or not interested like the Sadducees?