Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday
Matthew 10: 34-11: 1 |
Today’s is an oddball Gospel Reading. It stands contrasted against the Beatitudes, and everything that Jesus stood for. So what is Jesus saying in this passage? Is he contradicting Himself? I don’t think so. Firstly, passage is said against the Upside-Down theme which Matthew uses in this gospel, the first shall be last, etc. Here he says, “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.”
So what is Jesus really saying? The core idea we can attach to this Passage is the Yoke that Jesus invites us to share with Him – i.e., to love like Him. Love unconditionally and without any ifs and buts. This the world cannot not understand or make any sense of this message/truth. And what it does not understand, the world rejects. When we are brought to the realisation of Jesus’ Truth, by His Spirit, we choose Him, and put aside worldly ways. Our families may also not understand, Jesus’ truth, unless they have desired to know it at any cost. So there is a difference of opinion and allegiance, because of these contrasting values. The simplest understanding of this is that our Christian families may want us take up good paying jobs and secure our/their future. But Jesus says, “Don’t worry about yourself, I will provide, you only need to pickup my yoke and follow me.” This following may demand us not working in the regular sense, and these things may not be understood by our families. They will oppose us, others also will call us mad etc. Remember the Upside Down theme, actually we should call it the Right-Side-Up theme. The World in its experience and understanding, proclaims certain things as the way to do, how to live, or proclaims its own truths and facts, everything else is madness and foolishness. Jesus on the other hand helps us with and invites us to do things as they aught to be, and these things may be opposite to the wisdom of the world, something beyond its understand and the world will do everything in its power to make us fall in line with its way of doing things, lest it be called unwise/a liar/etc.
Choose then, which truth you desire to follow , one that leads to living in circles or the other that leads to eternal life. Come Holy Spirit enlighten us with God’s Truth and help us to choose rightly, and the grace to live it.