Reflection on the Gospel of the Fifth Sunday
John 11: 1-45 |
In today’s gospel we note that Jesus doesn’t rush to heal his friend, Lazarus even though he is seriously ill. Jesus waits and visits the family 4 days after Lazarus is placed in the tomb. Why did Jesus wait for so long? Why didn’t he heal Lazarus before he could die?
Jesus wanted to raise Lazarus from the dead because he wanted us to recognize him as GOD. No human being or magician has the power to give life. Only God the creator has the ability to give life. So when Lazarus was brought to life after 4 days of rotting in the tomb it was possible because Jesus is GOD who has power to give life. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.
Besides Jesus being God, today’s gospel is also a reminder to his disciples that death is not the end. Post Good Friday, we will have Easter. Besides Life on Earth, we should hope for the resurrection in Eternal life. However, just as Jesus raised Lazarus to life we too will be resurrected to eternal life only through Jesus.
Martha requested Jesus to help, Lazarus experienced a new life and the crowds believed in Jesus. What about you? Do you believe that you have eternal life through Jesus?