Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday
Luke 5: 1-11 |
Peter addresses Jesus as Master and with great respect allows him into his boat, so that Jesus can preach to the people comfortably. This is probably because Peter had already experienced Jesus’ healing power, as seen in chapter 4 where Jesus healed his mother in law. On Jesus’s word, Peter again puts his net down in the sea. Here Peter is being polite with Jesus. He is a seasoned fisherman, and has caught nothing. He had already worked through the whole night catching nothing, he is tired and exhausted. Peter out of gratitude accommodates Jesus. On listening to Jesus, he encounters, excitement and joy. He experiences Jesus’s authority and power as theirs nets are filled and become heavy with the catch of the fish. Remarkably in this passage, nothing is mentioned of what Jesus preached and taught while in the boat, but it does become the starting point of something big. Those gathered must have learned and experienced something new. In the light of Peters recent experiences, including the healing of his mother-in-law, the great number of healing in his town, what Jesus has taught in the boat, and finally the experience of netting that miraculous catch of fish, Peter can do nothing but to fall and acknowledging himself as a sinner, and Jesus as Master and Lord. It is a lesson for us also, God calls even the unqualified and equips them with humility, gratitude and reason to be in a relationship with God. Just as Jesus in today’s Gospel invited Peter and Partners to follow Him, He is is inviting us also, today, are we willing, or are we only satisfied with his healings, miracles, authority and power?
Holy Spirit help us to see, understand and accept the invitation that the Lord Jesus is offering us to work alongside Him in the kingdom. In spite of the ordinary and daily hurdles of life, help us to fall at his feet accept our sinfulness and engage Him in conversation and friendship (pray). Help us to experience a renewal of life, walking under your guidance and friendship.