Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday
All Souls DayJohn 6: 37-40 |
The will of the Father is to give Eternal life to all who believe in his Son.
Jesus Christ the Eternal Word, who became flesh for our sake is Life itself. And those of us who attach ourselves to Him; spending time with Him, talking and sharing our everything with Him, share in Jesus’ Eternal Life. Therefore there is no separation from God or coming back from death, nor separation from God. In we being in a relationship with Jesus and sharing our everything with Him, we open ourselves to share in the preternatural gift of eternal life that God has gifted us. With Jesus’ Covenant, we share in this eternal life through the Eucharist, where He gives of Himself the True Life.
But there is another preternatural gift He has given us which he will not transgress, that of freewill and the right to self-determine our own existence. That is why today’s Gospel speaks of all who believe and make space for Jesus in their lives, will share in Jesus’ eternal life. Let us then come before God and say, ‘Lord I believe help my unbelief,’ and be saved.
Holy Sprit help us in receiving your life of grace, peace and serenity, help us to improve our relationship with You/God and my neighbours.