Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday
Luke 12: 13-21 |
Yesterday we were teaching on Matthew 8, which presents Jesus in Ministry. It also asks what type of a response we give, when presented with Jesus’ love in action in healing the sick, doing miracles and are shown His divinity.
There are 3 responses presented:
- That of Peter’s Mother-in-Law, who immediately, responds fully
- the two would-be disciples of Jesus, who want to complete very important things before they can respond to Jesus’ Call.
- the town of Gadarene who outright rejected Jesus.
Today’s Gospel is about the second response. We too are preoccupied with many things, and we postpone responding to God. We are self-assured. It can be even the third response, were we want nothing to do with Jesus, because what He will ask in return is too painful, or whatever the reason be. Maybe it is even spite. But the fact is that we do not know what tomorrow holds for each one of us. That is why we want to secure our own future and that of our loved ones. But we fail to realise, that we do not know that tomorrow may also be the last day of our life.
It’s not late, Jesus will not challenge you to do something, without helping you see the rich possibilities of responding to Him, just as God helped wayward Abraham to understand what it means to follow Him. Abraham was invited to give up his family, friends nation, i.e. the security that all these gave him. Abraham responded with his own thinking. Yet God showed him that when he gave up on them, they became his responsibility – and they were all the more secure.
This same truth holds for you. Try Him.